1. General information, age, gender, ocupation.
2. What is the science?
3. Do you like science? Why or why not?
4. What are the steps in the scientific process?
5. What is the scientific theory? Give an example.
6. What is fact? Give an example.
7. What is a scientific law? Give an example.
8. What is the difference between astronomy and astrology?
9. What is evolution?
10. Why is evolution called a theory?
First Survey.
1. Rodrigo Diaz Sortino, 17 años, género masculino, ocupación estudiante.
2. Para Rodrigo la ciencia es el material social que estudia el comportamiento del hombre en un determinado tiempo y espacio.
3. Si, me gusta por que amo la ciencia y todo lo que ella descubre.
4. Tiene cuatro pasos, la hipótesis, el desarrollo, la práctica y la demostración.
5. Una regla que se aplica a la mayoría de los aspectos. La teoría del big-bang.
6. Un hecho es algo que paso y que esta comprobado.
7. Algo comprobado científicamente que se aplica a todos los casos que dicha ley habla.
8. La astronomía estudia los cuerpos del planeta. La astrología estudia a los signos, por ejemplo: leo, tauro, libra, entre otros.
9. Es el paso de los primates a los humanos.
10. Debido a que no se puede probar.
Miranda Lizarraga did this survey.
Second survey
1. My name is lucila florencia visentin, and I am 15.
2. The science is human knowledge.
3. Yes, because I can learn through science.
4. Hypothesis and investigation.
5. The discovery is something that occurs in nature and is studied.
6. It is something occurs in nature.
7. It is a law study the human life.
8. Astronomy is the science that studies the earth's bodies.The astrology studies the “Astros”.
9. It is the human' evolution, hommosappiens, astrolopitecus, and the others.
10. Because it talks about the evolution of the human.
Mercedes Diaz Sortino did this survey.
Third Survey
1. Maria Constanza Sanchez, 17 años, estudiante.
2. La ciencia en mi opinión es la encargada de los descubrimientos, de los hechos ocurridos a nuestro alrededor.
3. Si, me gusta debido a que somos lo que somos gracias a los descubrimientos de la ciencia.
4. La ciencia consta de una hipótesis un desarrollo y una teoría.
5. Es la teoría que se encarga de explicar lo que realiza la ciencia, por ejemplo el descubrimiento de la relatividad.
6. Un hecho es algo que ocurrió y gracias a eso se pudo crear un hipótesis y de ella una teoría.
7. Es una ley que estudia los hechos que se realizaron a partir de la ciencia.
8. La astronomía estudia a los astros con su relación con el exterior mientras que la astrología estudia los astros en su interior.
9. La evolución es el proceso por el cual los humanos y la tierra van evolucionándose.
10. Porque es algo que no se puede probar ya que va pasando el tiempo y se va modificando.
Mercedes Diaz Sortino did this survey,
Fourth survey
1 – A) 30-50
B) Woman
c) Masseur
2 - The science is the matter that explains verifiable phenomena
3 - Yes, because it is based on the investigation (research) and on the casuistry.
4 - The steps that I know are the analysis of the situation, the check, and checking.
For example the gravity.
5 - A scientific theory is a theory that is based on concrete and verifiable facts. For example, the theory of the relativity.
6 - A fact is something that happens in a time and certain space
7 - A scientific law is a law based on a theory or scientific terms of reference
8 - The difference is that the astronomy studies the universe and the stars, and the astrology studies the signs of the zodiac.
9 - The evolution is a process of development, where something grows and is changing with passing of the time.
10 - Because the development of the modifications was verified by concrete facts in the time of the mankind.
Ingnacio did this survey
Fifth survey
1 – A) 30-50
b) Woman
c) Teacher
2 – It´s something that you can study about
3 – Yes, because I can learn a lot of new things.
4 – I don´t know.
5 – It´s a hypothesis that has been proved.
6 – It´s something that you can prove (the day has 24 hours)
7 – It´s something that has been proved. (People die)
8 – Astronomy is the study of the space, and astrology is the Zodiac´s study.
9 – Something that changes
10 - Because it has been proved.
Ignacio did this survey.
Sixth survey
1. General information
a. Age (circle)
6–11 12–15 16–20 20–30 30–50 over 50
b. Gender: Masculine
c. Occupation: Student
2. What is science?
Es lo que alguien expresa de hacer cosas científicas
3. Do you like science? Why or why not?
Sí, porque se experimentan cosas que uno no conoce
4. What are the steps in the scientific process?
Tener una teoría y luego un experimento
5. What is a scientific theory? Give an example.
Es una teoría comprobada y experimentada
6. What is a fact? Give an example.
No lo se.
7. What is a scientific law? Give an example.
Una teoría que es experimentada y no resulta.
8. What is the difference between astronomy and astrology?
Pienso que astronomía tiene que ver con los astros y la manera de estudiarlos y la astrología con las constelaciones
9. What is evolution?
Cambios a medida del tiempo en lo físico
10. Why is evolution called a theory?
Porque no se sabe bien cómo comenzo y se hizo una teoría.
Juan did this survey
Seventh survey
1. General information
a. Age (circle)
6–11 12–15 16–20 20–30 30–50 over 50
b. Gender
c. Occupation
2. What is science?
La ciencia es la manera de estudiar el porqué de las cosas
3. Do you like science? Why or why not?
Si me gusta porque me sirve justamente para saber porqué sucede todo.
4. What are the steps in the scientific process?
Los pasos consisten en la planificación y la experimentación
5. What is a scientific theory? Give an example.
Es una hipótesis ya experimentada. La teoría de la evolución.
6. What is a fact? Give an example.
Un hecho es la manera que tiene el científico de llegar al resultado.
7. What is a scientific law? Give an example.
Una hipótesis que es experimentada y no resulta como se pensaba.
8. What is the difference between astronomy and astrology?
La astronomía estudia a los astros a través de la información que podemos obtener de solo verlos, y la astrología estudia la posición y movientos de estos.
9. What is evolution?
La evolución es el proceso por el cual se formó el ser humano, segun la teoría de Darwin, el hombre desciende del simio
10. Why is evolution called a theory?
Es llamada teoría porque es mundialmente aceptada, obviamente no por los creyentes que creen que el hombre fue creado por dios.
Juan did this survey.
Eighth survey
1) a_ 54 b_ masculine c_ Public book-keeper
2) The study of the nature that surrounds us, her description, her utilization and her understanding.
3) Yes, some. The exact ones and the social ones. The social ones because they help me to understand the human behavior and the exact ones because it is my profession. La observación, las pruebas y la conclusión.
4) A theory is scientific when it is based on true stories and verified. Theory of the gravity.
5) A fact is something that has happened. The Earth attracts the objects.
6) They are irrefutable hypotheses. The Law of Boyle and Mariotte
7) The astronomy studies the bodies that compose the universe on the other hand the astrology studies the influence of these bodies on our conducts.
Miranda did this survey
The correct answers
What is the science? The science is the collection and testing prior to development methodology (or accidental) of knowledge
Do you like science? Why or why not? The answer to this question depends on each person.
What are the steps in the scientific process?
· Observe and investigate
· Ask a question or problem
· establish a hypothesis
· Conduct research
· Reaching a conclusion.
What is the scientific theory? Give an example. A scientific theory is the approach of an abstract system which is a scientific explanation or description of a related set of observations or experiments, theory of Newtonian gravity
What is fact? Give an example. That which belongs to the reality (physical world or world of objects), which makes its own existence independent of our thinking.
What is a scientific law? Give an example. A scientific law is a scientific statement that asserts a constant relationship between two or more options.
What is the difference between astronomy and astrology? Astronomy: Science that studies the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere/Astrology: Superstitious practice which claims that the stars influence human life
The astronomy is a science, the astrology is not a science, and this is the difference.
What is evolution? Continuous process of transformation of species through changes in successive generations.
Conclusion about the surveys
We did eight surveys with 10 questions each except one.
· Of eight surveys only three people answered well the first question.
· Of eight surveys only one answered well the third question.
· Of eight surveys only four people answered well the fourth question.
· Of eight surveys only five people answer well the fifth question.
· Of eight surveys only one person answered well the sixth question.
· Of eight surveys only three people answered well the seventh question. But this people didn’t say the big difference: that the astronomy is a science and the astrology is not.
· Of seven (because the last survey hasn’t this question) surveys only three people answered well the eighth question.
· Of seven surveys nobody answered well the last question.
Possible solutions
Most people have problems when they have to define fact, science, scientific law, and the steps for science. Also they don’t know well the difference between astronomy and astrology because people know which studies Astros and which studies zodiac’s signs, but they don’t know which is a science and which isn’t.
Most people watch TV, and a solution would be to show advertising with information about science, so people are more informed and avoid mistakes.
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